Transformation through treatment
Once diagnosed with Cushing’s, there is an opportunity to bring back health and restore life on every level.
Through effective disease management and treatment it is possible to improve a dog’s quality-of-life, and as a result their owner’s quality-of-life.
addIt is important to understand WHY Vetoryl monitoring is needed, and WHAT the results of monitoring can deliver
Why Vetoryl monitoring is needed:
Treating Cushing's:
- Improves quality-of-life (of dogs and their owners)
- Reduces clinical signs
- Prevents sequelae
Why use Vetoryl?
- Only licensed medical treatment of Cushing’s
- Treats both pituitary and adrenal-dependent Cushing’s
- Reversible, so the dose can be titrated to effect
What the results of monitoring can deliver:
Ensured improved quality-of-life of dogs and, as a result, their owner's quality-of-life
Identify whether dogs are on an adequate dose of Vetoryl to control the clinical signs of Cushing's
Identify dogs that are unwell, whether the problem is due to Vetoryl or something else
What is the aim of Vetoryl monitoring?
Vetoryl is a medicine that delivers major clinical benefits to a patient. Every dog with Cushing’s is different, in their clinical presentation as well as in their response to Vetoryl.
Personalised monitoring is required to ensure the appropriate dose for that patient is obtained. After initiation of treatment, it needs to be ensured that the prescribed dose of Vetoryl is adequate to control clinical signs of Cushing’s.
addGaining the clinical picture
Attention to Clinical Signs
Assessment of serum cortisol concentrations alone is unreliable for the monitoring of Cushing’s therefore paying particular attention to the clinical signs is vital to achieving treatment success.
Owner Communication
Excellent owner communication is vital to truly understand how a dog is doing on Vetoryl.
Motivating an owner to take control of their dog’s condition right from the point of diagnosis is of benefit to everyone involved in the dog’s care. Explaining the need for good record keeping at home and providing the tools to enable consistent and effective monitoring can help get owners on board.
In this video, Professor Stijn Niessen DVM PhD DipECVIMCA MRCVS discusses the importance of good owner communication in patients receiving ongoing medication for a chronic disease.
Monitoring your patients on Vetoryl
When monitoring a patient on Vetoryl, emphasis should be placed on their clinical response. Use both the clinical picture and the cortisol assessment together to guide dose adjustments.